Dear diary,
This morning is such a cold day, yesterday was too. I don't know why the temperature has dropped so much just over one night! Outside temperature is now 22C. Yesterday night was below 18C! Can you believe it? Two days ago, the temperature was still 34C!! Wow, this is Japan, the place where all the amazing and unexpected things may happen.
Yesterday afternoon, there was a Matsuri festival just in front of my apartment! It's a summer event in Japan. It started around 7am and it was still soooo happening when I left home for church at around 2pm. Lots of people were wearing the same Japanese traditional outfits walked around the neighbourhood by carrying statues (their Gods) on their shoulder. They kept shouting something like "Long life! Long life!" so loudly, some other people hit the drum and played other traditional music instruments, and some other people in their posts poured water from buckets onto those carriers! They carried around the statues to be released on the sea. Me? I woke up and got up from bed at around 10.30am and enjoyed the festival from my balcony.
Here are the pics:
Since then, the temperature dropped so much! Is it because of their praying? Or it's because the summer is over? I feel glad that I had chance to see this festival. Perhaps that was my last festival in Japan! That's why I took some pictures to remember this event forever..
oooo..patung dewa ne guedhi gt to? Wkt baca tlsan mu, dalam bayanganku tu tiap org masing2 bw patung dewa di pundak e.. Jd patung e nda gede2 amat jg.
wah.. biasa baca di komik2 ada festival ky gt..bayanganku rame jg si, tp ga kebayang kalo aslinya segituuuuu serunya.. n segituu gueedeeee patungeee..
loh, satu bilang patunge gak gede amat2, satu bilang patunge guedeee.. dlm hal ini, bisa diliat bahwa segala hal itu relative, tidak ada yg absolute mutlak benar..
Omong2, aku belom pernah baca di komik2 ttg festival kayak gini, pernahnya cuma yg duduk di bawah bunga sakura dan maem bungkusan kotak isi sushi (baca di komik doraemon).
abigal lagi nglindur apa yah? Dua2ne kan bilang patung-e guede amat...
Lohh?? Kok setelah dibaca lagi kok dua2nya bilang patungnya guede, kemarin aku gak baca sampe tuntas brati.. hihihi.. ini lensa kacamata udah perlu diganti lagi kyknya.. maaph2..
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