Monday, 4 Aug 08, 2.34pm at home
Good afternoon, Ms. Diary..
Last weekend was very tiring for me. It was sooo hot and exhausting. Yeah, I managed to see hanabi on last Saturday! *_* << my eyes are full of fireworks.

Can you see the fireworks behind me? The small one is a hello-kitty-shape of fireworks! Can you see it? If you can't see it in the first 5 secs, you should keep looking at it at least for 30 secs while imagining the face of hello kitty. If you still can't see the hello kitty in 30 secs, then you must know that I'm bluffing you. Yes, it's not hello kitty, it's doraemon-type of fireworks! Hihihi.. So sorry. Please look at it again more carefully. Can you see the doraemon face now? If you can see the doraemon face, that means you have a great imagination! Honestly, there is no hello kitty, there is no doraemon, there is no Nobita, there is no Suneo, it's just errr... a firework! I hope you don't fall on my trick for the second time. Anyway, there were really some hello kitty, doraemon, mickey mouse shape of fireworks on Saturday. I just didn't get chance to take picture since it happened so fast. The technology of fireworks in Japan is just soooo amazing!! Really, I was so amazed to see it!

On Saturday, we reached there at 6pm. Our friends already arrived there few hours earlier to book the place. There were really thousandssss of people over there! Most of the girls there were wearing Yukata (Japanese summer dress). As you can see, I was not. I was wearing my Indonesian summer dress, which is shirt and shorts; red and white. I feel like celebrating national day since I was wearing red and white. I guess I was really born to be a true Indonesian. Now is month of August, and all of a sudden I really love to wear red and white. Blood is really thicker than water. Indonesia, Merdeka!! Anyway, do you see the lanterns? I was really glad to see those. You know what? I watched a Japanese drama "1 litter of tears", there was one setting taken during the Hanabi Festival where there were many lanterns along the street. I feel like Aya (the movie star in "1 litter of tears") for walking along the street with full of lanterns, being one of the thousands of crowd, carrying kipas all the way, passing by the food stalls that are selling Japanese traditional foods, buying some snacks and drinks, finding the spot to watch fireworks, sitting and watching the fireworks, taking pictures, and screaming "WaAAaa.. Kireiii..!" like the rest every time great fireworks came out. Everything was like in the movie except for one thing, I didn't collapse like Aya in the middle of the street.
Now I know what Hanabi Festival is. One more curiosity that I really want to find out before leaving japan, which is the 3-colors-leaves in autumn. Will I be able to see it?
p.s I don't know why my eyes are so widely opened like popping out when I'm so excited. Haiz.. I shouldn't be too excited.
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