
Live Life to the Fullest!

Friday, 11 Dec 09, 8.29 am on the bus

Dear diary,
I will officially stop working at my current company on next Wednesday. I really look forward to that day, but at the same time, I feel nervous too. For the last two weeks, honestly I have been afraid to go back to my housewife life. I still can clearly remember how desperate I was when I was in Japan becoming a housewife. I don't like to be a useless person although I must admit that I'm not-too-usefull person too. Well, I guess this time will be different, I mean, slightly different. I know I will still be called housewife - a wife who stays at home, because I don't know what else I can be called. Apartmentwife? Flatwife? Anyway, that will be my new title, but my jobs will not be the same.

You must be wondering, if I don't want to be a housewife, why should I quit my job? Yea, that's what I'm wondering too. Am I crazy? No. Ok, yes.. A bit. What I'm feeling now is "my blood is boiling". *Isn't it winter in HK now? Are you still in HK??* Yes, I am still and will be in HK forever ever after! It has been officially decided, confirmed and endorsed by my husband.

Anyway, talking about my "boiling blood", if I can describe it using simple words, I feel that I can't live my life like this anymore. I am 28 years old now, turning to 29 in 2 months time. And, what have I done so far? What have I achieved? Ok, to make it simple, what is my best achievement in my life? Do you want to know my honest answer? You are right! I managed to find a guy who wants to marry me! That's my honest answer. My career life doesn't make me proud, I know I'm too dumb, I mean, not-that-smart to climb up the corporate ladder, so I should not waste any more time by just sitting dumbly in the office and waiting till my hair turns grey and my time is up! This corporate life doesn't fit me. I need to go out from my comfort zone, I need to take a brave step to at least try doing something else while I'm still young, do you think so? *you are almost 29, you are not young anymore* Haizz... Diary!!

I'm on the way to office now, I wanna enjoy these last 4 working days in my office. I will capture all these last moments and remember it in my mind, perhaps when I'm older *next year??* I wanna go back to this kind of life again. We never know what's going to happen in the future, so just keep praying, grab any opportunities in front of us, and do the best! Live a life to the fullest!



soyuz said...

soyuz like this!

Anonymous said...

Finally u decided to resign huh??
Anyway, that's not bad after all.. since u'll have another job title as a housewife.. that's not an easy job though.. You'll be fine Sis... Just do it!!! Yeaaahhh!!!
