Hi diary,
I just finished cooking! Usually I cook at night for tomorrow's dinner. I just realized that I haven't posted the pics of my food for quite long time. Ok then, here is my food ^_^

Pork Ribs with Pete & Curry Prawn
Recently, the menu is mostly Indonesian food. I love Indonesian food the most! I'm happy that I can get some of the exotic Indonesian ingredients in Hong Kong, such as lemon's leaves, pete, tempe, red onion, even coconut milk from Kara! In this way, I love Hong Kong so much! *Are you sure the pork ribs with pete is Indonesian food?* Yes! Pete is the typical Indonesian food! My mom-in-law taught me how to cook that when she was here. *How about the pork ribs?* Errr... yea, Indonesian don't eat pork. Anyway, I don't care. The recipe is from Indonesia!
I feel refreshed after the weekend. I have enough sleep, I have enough rest, but one thing I don't have enough during the weekend. I don't have enough eat on weekend because my hubby watches my diet tightly and restlessly. He's really scared if I turn to be a fat ahjumma (old auntie) one day since I eat like pig. Actually I don't agree with his statement. Pig doesn't eat pork, but I eat pork.
Diary, I need to sleep now. Tomorrow need to go back to the battle again!
See you diary..
p.s you know what, I feel like a crazy woman now. I keep covering my computer screen with my both hands whenever my hubby passes by. I'm really scared if he sees my writing here while actually he is not interested to read. Well, I'm just shy if he reads my secret diary.
walah... ini nulis secret di blog... semua orang bisa baca kecuali husband-nya yah. hahaha....
walah... makan pete di HK... gak dimarahin tetangga tuh masak pete?
hahaha....such a funny expression....covering ur computer screen wif hands hmmm....
Eh sampe lupa balesin komen.
@Koko: Iyah Ko, sometimes it's not a secret for public but it's a BIG secret for our closest person. Hahaha.. Tetangga malah seneng kali ya, tenang2 aja tuh, bobok angler malahan.
@Anny: udah urgent, gak sempet close window, tangan pun jadi. ^^
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