Thursday, 12 Mar 09, 1.14pm in office
Hellow my diary..
Now is lunch time. I'm in the office, just finished my lunch. We just moved to our new office last Monday so I'm still in the process of adjusting my office life now. My new office is further than the old office from my bus station. So, my life has slightly changed:
1. I have to walk more
2. I have to wake up earlier
3. I have to skip showering (if necessary)
But, there is always a but. My new seat is much better than before. Because I have none siting behind me! I only have a white wall behind me that becomes a mute witness to whatever I do in the office. The only bad thing is, my seat is so near to the entrance door so people come and go just in front of me. Even the toilet keys are put on a table just beside my desk so I have a new position and a new title; Toilet Manager! However, I don't get any responsibilities following my new title. Well, actually nobody calls me with my new title, it's just my own creation. Ha Ha Ha! *Hellooo, are you.. by any chance.. having your own world now? Is it a symptom of autism??*
You know, I feel like a robot who's having the same life every day. I also always complain to you that I need "warmness". My dining table doesn't give me the "warmness" that I expected. Recently, the thought of having a real family life comes up. But, it's not as simple as that. Life is full of constraints. I'm also still not ready to give up my freedom now. Can you believe it?? It's been my dream since many years ago, and I've suddenly changed now! But, deep inside my heart, I know I'm missing something. I just opened my drawer now and I grabbed whatever food inside there. I'm eating my banana now. Whenever I feel that I'm missing something, I eat. And I'll amazingly feel contented. Magic instant solution, isn't it?
Yesterday there was something happening that shocked me. Nothing to do with the topic above. This is a brand new topic! I just don't want to create a new post specially for this topic. Ok, here is the story. Hmm, where should I start? It can be described easily with 1 sentence actually, or do you prefer 2 sentences? No, I think 1 sentence is enough, but must use "," to separate the sentences. *Just tell me what that is!!* Hey, hold your horses! Be patient! I'm measuring how long your intestine is now (meaning: I'm testing your patience). Actually there's nothing happened yesterday. I just want to create the mood, I just want to excite you, I just want to excite myself with something so happening in this sleepy office environment.. sorry, I'm just imagining things.. *Wake up Abbie, stop having your own world!*
Ok, I'll just list down all the things that were happening in my life:
1. My grandma is admitted into hospital now, praying that she'll be fine soon!
2. My jacket was wrecked using scissor by I-dunno-who in the office
3. I just realized that I'm so addicted to coffee now. I really can't live without drinking one cup of coffee in a day. I can't concentrate working without coffee. I can't go to toilet without coffee *Hey, you are the Toilet Manager, you have all the keys with you, why can't you go to toilet??*
4. I found a mini-bus that can take me home from office within 25mins (usually it takes 1 hour by bus), it's just that I have to really hold the hand rail tightly.
5. I bought a new shoes one month ago, and I broke that new shoes one week ago.
6. My parents are coming to HK in April if my grandma is doing better.
7. Edison Chen still looks handsome to me regardless whatever he did.
8. I've been transferred to a new company (still managed by same company group) and doing new tasks now.
9. Me and my sister are doing something new every day.
10. I want to monetize my blogs.
11. Some people asked me a direction on the street and I dropped coins accidentally to all over the place on the street and they ended up picking up coins for me, I'm so sorry..
12. I'm looking forward to my Europe trip in Autumn! (if the condition permits)
Ok, have to go back to work now.
Bye, diary!