

Tuesday, 20 Nov 07, 7.36pm in office

Kombanwa diary,
This is my first time writing diary in this office. I skip class again today, :( Just this morning I promised myself not to skip class anymore, and tonite I just did it again. I have so much works that need to be done today, all is urgent. That's why I can't leave early again although my boss wasn't in today.

Better I go home now and cook dinner for my hubby. He must be surprised when he sees me at home at Tuesday nite. I mean, he'll be blue-facely surprised 'Why are you skipping class again??'. Surprise.. surprise..!! Hohohoho..

Bye diary



Antony Pranata said...

Pertamax lagi!!!

Loh kok skip kelas mulu. Basa Jepang-e gak maju2 loh.

Btw, abang Rony ikutan kursus Jepang juga gak?

(tumben kali ini comment-e nyambung)

Anonymous said...

Hey Fen..udah kerja yah? dimana nih kerjanya? terus di kantor pake basa jepang juga donk? hehehe..susah nda?

-Fang Fang-

Anonymous said...

Si abang gak ikutan les, Ko.. dia ga minat en ga suka en ga bisa en ga sempet ikutan kursus JP. Iya neh, basa JPku ga maju2. Listeningku aja yg maju karna di kantor ndengerin org JP ngomong trus, listen sih listen tapi ga understand.

Pang2, yoi di kantor mereka ngomong basa Jepang, saya cuman bengong.. saya bales ngomong pake English, mereka gantian bengong.. hihehihe.. akhirnya kita either pake body gestures to explain, or grab anyone to be a translator, or tulis email and use google translator to get the meaning. That's how I survive in this office. Anyway, I'm working at an online TV company.
