
What the title should be?

Tuesday, 20 Nov 07, 8.51am at home

Hellow diary,
Tuesday morning. Time flies so fast. During weekdays, I look forward weekend to come. On weekend, time goes by very fast and when I only realise it when monday has come. Monday morning comes, I wait for weekend to come again, so on and so fort. What does it mean? Does it mean I'm enjoying my life now? Or spending time without realising it? It's similar to transfering food into stomach directly, without passing thru the mouth. For me, the best thing about eating is not about feeling full, but the process: the food is landed on the tounge, welcomed by the lips, crunched by the teeth, and pushed into the throat by the tounge. The idea is: do not produce too much saliva when eating because liquid weakens the taste. So, the food's ads about "mouth-watering" is wrong and not appropriate. Sorry, back to main topic.

I'm enjoing my new job now. I'm enjoying my Japanese class. For the last 2 classes, I started to realise that I want to learn Japanese whole heartedly. Well, it's normal. When we're about to lose something, then we can appreciate it more. When the dining table is full of food, we have no desire to eat it. But when there's only one small plate of food, we'll treasure and appreciate it more. *Do you have to always use food as your story illustration?* Recently, I have skipped many classes because I couldn't leave office so early. And now, I feel that the Jap lesson is so useful. *Only now you realise it??* I'll try my best to come to every class from now on! Ganbate, Abbie!!

The outside temperature is very cold yesterday. In the afternoon, it's around 9C! My heater at home is always on whenever I'm at home now. I just found out something interesting about Japanese yesterday during the class. My classmate said that Japanese body temperature is 1-1.5C lower than our body temperature! So, for them, 37C is considered high. This explains why they set 28-30C at the office's heater. I'm wondering what's my body temperature?

Last weekend was a busy weekend for us. My pastor came to visit our little home sweet home. Ron's friends from Singapore also came to see our cute tiny home. You know, the busiest part is not about welcoming the guests, but about cleaning the house. In this case, I'm happy that I have small home.

December is coming soon!! Xmas is coming!! My family is coming! My holiday is coming! My shopping time has come! Yipeee.. Do you still remember what I wrote last year? December is my favorite month although my birthday is on February. *Why should you tell me your birthmonth?*

Omo omo, I got to go now! It's already 9.22am!!
See you, diary..


p.s what the title should be?


Antony Pranata said...


Hahaha.... kapok dia kasih title. Gara2 orang2 pada kasih comment gak ada hubungan ama title-e yah.

Omo omo.... anak2 nih.

Ayo, sekarang kasih comment yang bermutu; harus ada hubungan title-e.

Anonymous said...


ga ada title jdi bingung mau komen apa... hahaha..

absen aja de.. Safaroni hadir!!!

Anonymous said...

Wekekeke.. daripada komen2nya ga nyambung ma topiknya, mendingan skg topik juga ikutan acak2an, jadi feel free to coment.

Sbenernya krn biasa au kasi title tu paling akhir setelah nulis slese. Tadi pagi buru2 nulisnya, jadi bingung kasi title apa yg cocok, "Xmas is coming"? "Time flies so fast"? "Japanese Body Temperature"? or "Saliva weakens the food's taste"??


Antony Pranata said...

Ada title atau gak ada title... sik penting kasih comment.

Apalagi lek isa kasih comment pertamax; rasa-ne semua adrenalin tuh naek... :)

Anonymous said...

Wah wah kok kayak balapan kuda wae huekekeke.. laen kali sedetik sebelum aku upload blog, koko takbilangin dulu ya, biar slalu isa jadi yg pertamax.

Bahasanya koko chim bgt, ada pertamax, ada adrenaline.. Dua2 sejenis cairan yg bisa membludak??


Jess said...

Ga usah pake title jg gpp... Yg penting ada bacaan buat kita2.. Hehe...

::aLb3rta:: said...

betull... yg penting ada bacaan.. apalagi kalo ada komen2 banyak.. walo komen2nya ga nyambung ma title yang penting seru n bisa bikin tampang cemberut jadi sumringah... dahi berkerut jadi bersinar cerah.. bibir mengkerut jadi senyum mengembang... senyum tertawa jadi tertawa lebar.. tertawa terkikik2 jadi ngakak berguling2........... *wes aaaah... wes makin ga nyambung tenan*