
Missing Home.. again..

Tuesday, 13 Nov 07, 8.03am at home

Hello my little diary,
Today is my mum's birthday, I just called my home in Solo and chatted with my mum for around 20mins. I had to end the call since she had to go to Manahan for morning jogging. I miss my mum. I miss my sis. I miss everyone in my hometown. I miss my home. Now you know why I don't want to call my family so often, rite? Yea, I miss home more after calling. Since I moved to Japan, I only call home few times only. Back then when I was still in Singapore, I called home once in a week, or at most once in 2 weeks. My mum once said, it's because I'm married now so I seldom call home. It's a BIG NO! It's because I will miss them more if I call them. Stupid, rite? Yes, it's me, stupid! Usually one phones the family to 'heal' the homesickness. But for me, my homesickness is getting worse after talking with them on the phone. I feel that I'm so far away from them now, I can't visit them every 3 months like what I did before. So, I don't want to miss them so much, I don't want to miss them so often, what I can do now is I don't want to call them so often. Nice intro, poor reasoning, bad conclusion, stupid action??

Now I'm left alone at home with bad homesickness. Eating my chocolate toast. Drinking my hot green tea. Sitting on my living room carpet. Typing a diary with a mellow face. And still wearing a sengek glasses. It's ok Abbie, they are coming here soon next month! Better prepare for the list of the things I want them to bring, like:
1. My grey winter coat
2. DVD Korea (As much as Heaven and Earth)
3. Kecap manis bangao, bergendul-gendul please
4. Hot tomato sauce, bergendul-gendul juga please
5. Indonesian Fried rice's spices
6. My engagement party DVD
7. Cover bantal warna-warni 4 biji ukuran 45x45cm
8. Contact lens

I feel better now. Now sleepy. But, have to get ready for work now. *Hey, you have not updated your diary for so long time and you just leave like this?* Eh sorry, what do you want to know? My life is so so, my schedule is busy, my husband is great, my work is okay, my feeling is happy, my diary is lonely!
See you again diary..



Anonymous said...

I think it's true, the more you call home the more homesick you will get. Btw, apa tuh bergendul2 hahhah :P

Antony Pranata said...

Wah... bergendul2 kabeh... Emang yah, biarpun jauh di negeri orang, makanan apa pun gak se-enak masakan negeri sendiri pake kecap bangau.

Iya nih... si Abbie jarang update diary lagi. Entar di-bawain DVD film Korea bergendul2, makin gak pernah update lagi deh.

Vote for "No DVD for Abbie"...

AbigaiL said...

Wakakakakaka.. kalian tuh bikin orang ngakak!!

Gendul = bottle.
So bergendul-gendul means lots of bottles. Begitchuuu...

Koko, DVD Korea gak bisa dimasukin gendul. Hehehe... anyway thanks for your great precious comment.

Wakakakakaka... *ngakak tanpa henti*

Jess said...

aku jg vote buat "no bergendul2 dvd"

Anonymous said...

no dvd??
no bergendul2 dvd??
no dvd bergendul2??

Jess said...

...or no gendul???

AbigaiL said...

Kok topik utamanya jadi si gendul2 sih? Judulnya tuh 'Missing Home'. Aiyoo.. Should I change the title then?

Antony Pranata said...

Iya... payah nih anak2... melenceng jauh dari topik utama-nya. Kalo sekolah udah dapet nilai E itu...

::aLb3rta:: said...

yah.. namanya juga anak2...
judul "Missing Home... again.." yg dikomen ttg bergendul2-nya
judul "Before and After" yg dikomen ttg more romance-nya
haiiyaaa.. anak2 makin pinterr n kreatip yaak..