
My 3rd Wedding Anniversary

Thursday, 8 July 10, 9.25am at home

Dear diary,
Yesterday was my wedding anniversary. Time flies so fast, it has been 3 years since we got married on 7 July 2007. I want to write it here because yesterday was an unforgettable day for me.

I got a special present yesterday. It is so special till my tears fell down on my cheeks. I am sure that the gift is prepared by God to be given to us on that special day. Yes, it is our wedding anniversary's gift! I was so touched and amazed how God is so sweet to me. HIS touch is so personal. HE pays attention to every detail of my life till HE even remembers my wedding anniversary. Well, for me, my wedding anniversary is such a big event. But for HIM, HE must have lots and lots and lots of other couple's wedding anniversary that HE needs to remember. But in fact, HE remembers mine! You know what, I am now crying when I am writing this. I am so touched on how HE treasures my life although I often think that I am just 'another human being' that HE happened to create. I was wrong! HE takes care of our lives more than we take care of our own!

So many ups and downs in life, I always think that everything happens for a good reason. You know that I am a person who always think positive. But, yesterday I learned something deeper: We are very precious in God's eyes! HE is watching everyone of us from above. Yes, EVERYONE of us, NO EXCEPTION!

Anyway, I had a great day yesterday. My hubby wanted to give me surprise by knocking off from office earlier but office work kept him till late. It is really ok, I am more than satisfied with his intention only. We had Japanese dinner and we watched 3D Shrek movie. Yes, it was just a simple outing that a couple should do but I did treasure the moments, because I know that every beautiful moment in my life is what God has specially prepared for me.

Usually every morning before my hubby goes to work, he always gives me 3 kisses; one at the left cheek, one at the right cheek, and one on the lips. This morning he gave me 3 kisses as usual then he opened the front door to leave. When he was about to close the door, he came in again to give me one more kiss. He said "One additional kiss for the one inside", he smiled and left. This is very simple but I want to remember this sweet moment forever too.

Thank You for Yesterday, Thank You for Today, and Thank You for Tomorrow! ^.^

-Blessed Abbie-


Anonymous said...

congratulations Abbie. I'm so happy for you. Hope to see some pictures soon. Best wishes from Mrs. W from England

AbigaiL said...

ohhh... thank u Mrs. W! Happy to know u here ;)

Antony Pranata said...


eh one kiss for the one inside.... udah nih? kapan due-nya?

soyuz said...

so sweet!

congrats kuadrat ya.

AbigaiL said...

Thank u kuadratss cubic ;P
please keep praying for the smooth journey ^^

Anonymous said...

wah wah...congrats ya Fen!! diem2 taunya dah ada yaa..heheh...have a smooth one ya dear :D


AbigaiL said...

Fanggg... kmu cepet juga buka blogku dan cepet nyandak what Im talking about hihihihi...
Thank u, fang.. lets pray together that everything will be good for us!

Anonymous said...

Hohoho iya donk,kan orang2 jawa spt kita terkenal pinter dan cepet mudeng wekeke... :p


Anny Suhalim said...

ahhhhhh fennn finally ^0^ so happy for u!!! hugs!!!

AbigaiL said...

@Fang: iyeee.. wong2 jowo halus perasaannya krn byk unggah ungguh jadi kesenggol dikitt aja langsung mudeng hihihi...
@Anny: ahhhhhhhh annyyyy... duh kmu kemana aja non? wkt itu chat tiba2 menghilang kmuuu.. anyway, thank u yaaahhh.. hugss juga ahh! ^^

Anonymous said...

Omedetou Fen .. :D happy for you two.. Eh three deng, sure it's not twin? :D -jeany-