
Being a Wanted?

Friday, 5 Feb 10, 8.04am at home

Good morning, my dear diary..
It's Friday again! I woke up this morning, brushed my teeth, said bye bye to my husband who's going to work (I mean, he was the one who said bye bye), turned on my laptop, checked my emails, and opened this diary. It's all because I received some emails from my friends who dropped comments in my previous posts. I feel touched that they still care reading my little diary in the middle of their busy schedule. Some of them also kept asking me to write again. I am not sure if they really like reading what I write, or they just need to know what I am doing, or they like reading my posts to kill time before going to bed? Anyway, whatever their reasons are, they are my motivators. And here I am, writing diary again.

I had a dream last night. Quite scary dream. In my dream, I was a wanted. No, I was not sure if I was a wanted. I just knew that I was chased around by some people who wanted to kill me. I kept running. I kept running. The building where I was running around in suddenly was bumped by a big ship and started to go down. *Now thinking about a big ship... how can a big ship bump a building which stands strong in the middle of the city?* That was just a dream! Anyway, I kept running, trying to escape from the building, and from the killers, and suddenly... a hand was on my mouth, there was a guy who wanted me to shut up before I made noise. I was so shocked! This guy whispered on my ear 'Why are you breathing so loud?? Your noise is disturbing my sleep!' Yes, it was my husband's hand and my husband's voice in real life. Then I woke up. End of my dream. I should have explained to him that I was running, that's why I was breathing so loud. I am not some kinds of Piglet or Porky Pig.

Time to go to work now. I mean, time to close this diary and open my other site *facebook??* I really work, ok? Not play-play, ok?


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