Happy New Year, my little diary!!
Today is the first day of the year 2009. The weather is very cold this morning. I started my day by waking up at 11.37am, had a cup of hot coffee and a banana, watched a Korean series "Happiness" episode 26 and now writing this diary. Not a good way to spend the first day of the year?

Yesterday night, me and my hubby went out to see fireworks at IFC after the Korean food buffet dinner with our friends. You see, the picture at the most left is the picture of IFC building before the fireworks started, this is the tallest building in HK, the building where Batman jumped off in his last movie. And, the picture at the most right is after the fireworks started with a BIG "2009" written on the building. There was countdown starting from 30 seconds with the digits written on that Batman building too! I joined the countdown from 10 seconds since I haven't learned number 11-30 in Cantonese. *How about pic in the center?* It's me and Ron in IFC mall after watching the fireworks, on the way home.
The fireworks also came out from the top of each tall buildings in HK. Nice view, isn't it? I think it would be nicer if we see it from far, from different island, where we can see the combination of the sea view, the buildings, and the fireworks. But, we did consider about how to get home after that, so we just watched it on the HK island itself.
It was a sweet experience to witness Old & New in HK, together with thousands of HK people. I do enjoy my life here although some complaints come out sometimes unavoidably.
Thanks God for all the things that happened in the year 2008 and thanks God in advance for the good things that will happen in the year 2009! Another life journey is about to start..
Merry New Year!!!
Loh... Batman itu jump-nya di Hong Kong ta? Sialan, diapusi aku... lah tak pikir di Gotham City je.
Ohh emang ga bilang kalo Batman lg berkunjung ke HK di filmnya?? Aku ngga nonton sih jadi ngga tau kapan dia loncatnya *tp di blog sok tau!* wekekeke..
Setelah diamat2in poto gedung2nya yg ada fireworks, kok kayak gedung2 kebakaran ya? jadi serem sendiri..
Eh kayaknya emang bener si Batman loncat di Hong Kong. Soal-e setelah tak inget2, ada satu pengusaha Hong Kong di film itu. Lah si Batman ini kayaknya pigi ke Hong Kong buat nangkep si pengusaha nakal iki.
Loh kamu belum nonton film Batman sik terakhir? Mesti nonton. Harus... that's the best Batman movie... ever...
Terus sejauh ini, Batman ini tuh movie yang generate money paling banyak di US (after Titanic).
iya yap... yg foto gedung ada fireworks malah ky foto gedung kebakaran...
eh... kalo mo bikin pake potoshop malah susah lo... hehehe..
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