Monday, 5 Nov 07, 7.49am at home
Hello diary,
Finally now I have chance to write my diary. It's also because of my hard effort to get up early this morning before my alarm clock rang. My daily schedule is now changed, my routine activities are now changed after I started my work:
1. Get UpBefore: I used to get up when my hubby's alarm clock rang. I got up at the same time as he did.
After: I wake up when my hubby's alarm clock rings but I get up from bed when my own alarm clock rings which is 2 hours later (it's because my office hour is 2 hours later than his, I love this so much!!)
2. BreakfastBefore: I used to prepare breakfast for my husband in the morning and serve it fresh. We had breakfast together.
After: I prepare breakfast for him the night before and ask him to reheat it when he's about to eat. He has his breakfast when I'm still ZZzzzZZzzz....
3. CleaningBefore: I used to clean home almost everyday, as and when the dirt appeared. There was one full day of cleaning in a week, Wednesday, which I selectively chose to clean the whole house.
After: I clean home as and when the mood comes, it can be in the middle of the night or in the afternoon during the lunch time.
4. Groceries ShoppingBefore: I used to shop groceries every Friday afternoon, spent a half-day at the supermarket, bought the necessary and the unnecessary items, always seeked items that I "HAD" to buy.
After: I still shop every Friday after work. Last Friday, my dear hubby shopped for me. Hihihi.. Thank you! Whoever is available, either me or him, just go. I have no chance to look around anymore, less money is spent, more money is saved! Great!
5. CookingBefore: I used to cook in the afternoon before going to my Japanese lesson. I cooked almost everyday, experimented many recipes.
After: I cook on weekend or at night, keep the food in the fridge, and heat it when we want to eat. No more food varieties, just repeat the same dishes that I used to make. It's good that at least I had chances to experiment cooking some dishes before.
6. Japanese CourseBefore: I used to come to my Japanese class 3 times a week at 6.30pm sharp! *Did you say it starts at 6.20pm?*
After: I still come to my class, I still have big desire to come, but it all depends on the situation and condition.
The Advantages:1. More money
2. Shop less on groceries
3. Shop more on fashion
4. Eat less
5. More sleep (2 hours more)
6. More showers (2x a day now *Before that??*)
7. More consumption on make-up and contact lens
8. More romance!
9. Less guilty on spending money
The Disadvantages:1. More messy house (I'm not saying 'messy house', I'm saying 'more messy')
2. Messy schedule
3. Won't get a medal for 'A Good Wife Championship'
4. Less time to watch my Korean series
5. Less concentration on studying Japanese
6. Less time to write my diary!
7. Less time to chat with my sis, my bro, cousins, friends, and other people out there in the cyber world
8. More tired
9. No time to 'twist and shape' my body
Wow, 9-9! So, I don't know if I'm now doing good or bad.