Hi My Little Diary,
I've been so busy with my office work and settling some issues recently, so I don't have much thing to write here this month.. My days went by as usual.. I live my life as the way it should be.. Actually there's something that I'm hoping and expecting right now, something that I always bring into my pray.. We'll see how it will go.. :)
Anyway, here are some pics I uploaded for you.. Don't laugh! Can you please see things more positively? Ok, honestly.. I did that to express my feeling to my bf thru MMS in a unique and more personal way.. Well, not everyone appreciates my effort, even my bf :( Anyway, I uploaded this pics here so that I can remember what creative things I've done at my young age..

One was on 25 Mar, another one was on 16 Mar
Oh, one more thing I wanna update you.. my bf is going to US next month for 2 months.. This trip has something to do with his future career so my only choice is to let him go.. I'm trying to be a supportive and understanding wife-to-be to him.. Maybe I watch movie too much so I imagine something ridiculous, like "Is he goin' to be a run-away groom?" Am I becoming paranoid already? It's normal for a bride-to-be to think that way, ok?!! My wedding day is just 3 months from now, yet he still needs to go overseas for so long and so farrr.. It's not that I don't trust him, but it's kind of strange feeling that makes me feel uneasy..
I'm currently watching a Korean series, the title is "Dal Ja's Spring". I found out something interesting from that movie "What a heart needs is just 2% humidity". I guess that's true.. we can't let our heart dry.. but how? It doesn't need to have a lover to get that 2% humidity.. Friends, family, God, relationships, love, work, everything, as long as we enjoy what we're doing, never complain on problem we're facing, treasure the life that God has given us.. some little things that happen in life might make us happy, enjoy that feeling! That's the thing that can keep our heart humid and make us strong enough to keep moving on with life :)
See, see, see, my MMS surprises to my bf that expressed my feeling was a correct thing to do to give that 2% humidity to my bf's heart.
Abbie, be a tough girl.. Fighting!!
-Prayin' Abbie-
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