Now is the first day of the month of February. I started this month by having this special lunch set at home this afternoon. I bought this tea pot set with the warmer using a candle in Shanghai. Hmm, I just want to keep a record on the first day when I used this tea set. *Why?* Because this tea set is so cute. *So?* So I love it so much! *Then?* Then I uploaded the picture here la. Ok, honestly, I saw this tea pot set for the first time when I had dinner at a Yunnan restaurant in Beijing. This picture on the right was the tea pot at the restaurant. Yea, I know what you are thinking. The tea pot in the restaurant looks so much nicer than my tea pot, right?
Ok, back to the story. On the same night when I met this cute tea pot for the first time, I was so frozen. Please take note, I did not say 'I was so cold', but I did say 'I was so frozen' and I really meant what I said. It was a bloody damn cold day in Beijing and my hands were REALLY frozen. You won't believe it if I tell you that my finger tips are now still a little numb because on that night I did not wear my gloves. We were on the way to find our hotel in the first night in Beijing. I thought the weather was not that unfriendly, I thought my sancham was thick enough to me, so I did not wear gloves and hat. But I was wrong. On that night, the outside temperature was around -8C and it was soooo windy. My hands were holding map and some other papers containing 'our lives' (I mean, the hotel confirmation, plane e-ticket, tour confirmation, and maps of other cities) so I couldn't hide my hands inside my pockets. My hands felt nothing till the papers all flew out of my hands by a strong wind unconsciously, till my hubby had to help me to pick all the papers with his purple face (read: angry but at the same time he knew that I was as clumsy as ever).
I thought I was going to die on that night. And I kept telling my hubby that I was going to die soon. I kept saying that I was frozen to death and please don't go so far away from me just in case I wanted to say my last message. You know what my hubby replied me? He said 'You are still talking so much, so you are not dying'. Yes, thanks to him to say this to me because his words had successfully boiled my blood and I felt warmer after that.
After we found our hotel. We went to that Yunnan restaurant to have dinner and drink hot tea. The feeling of drinking something warm was so awesome! That is why I'm so in love with that tea pot. That tea pot saved me, that tea pot was my hero! It always reminds me that I'm still alive.
Once I returned to Hong Kong, I found out that my towel was still hang outside on my balcony. I deeply understand how my towel felt to be frozen to death. So, I quickly bring my towel in. You can check out my pictures in China at my other blog here. *Hey, are you just lazy to put up the photos here?* There are too many photos. *At least upload one picture in China here!* I already uploaded that tea pot picture, it was taken in Beijing, ok?
huuuu.... ora lucu tenan, foto beijing kok cuman teapot doank.
back to original question, jadi di hk dapet jatah cuti berapa hari setahun? kok keliatannya jalan2 terus. :)
Koko, aku cuti dikit bgt, sama spt org yg laen2 ko.. kapan aku jalan2 trs?? Jalan2 juga cuma local2 dlm negri aja krn liburnya cuma dikittt.. gak kayak yg abis ke las vegas tuh.. hihihi...
loh... yang ke vegas itu ya cuman kemaren itu baru vacation.... ke vegas juga baru pertama kali seumur hidup.
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