Hello My Little Diary,
Sekarang aku masih di kantor neh, tapi lagi ga niat kerja aja.. jadi tulis2 diary aja..
Yesterday was my bf’s birthday, sweet twenty-seven years old of birthday ^_^
Two days ago I was confused on what to do on his birthday. It’s because early January I already bought a present for him from Zara! A jacket! So, I really had no idea what to do on 30 Jan. Bukankah ultah itu yang ditunggu2 cuman kadonya? Plus kesempatan makan kue tart setaon sekali! (unless he won’t allow me to eat that sinful cake!). So, if a present already been given, and we cant eat cake especially late at nite, then what else should we do??
Since he had to attend training till 10pm on that day, we couldn’t go out to have dinner or have some fun outside. Then, we decided to take away some meals and eat at my place. On 29 Jan, I got idea from cip2 to cook at home! I was not confident at all. Cooking isn’t one of my specialties! It’s also not one of my hobbies! Talking about my hobbies, I also don’t know what my hobbies are.. I think it should be watching movie or eating or sleeping or shopping or earning money.. Is the last one considered a hobby? Well, at least I want to have a well-balanced of life. If we like shopping, we must like earning money too! I never say I like working, ok! I just said that I like earning money! Source of money can be from many places, for example.. wait, wait! What am I talking about here?? I should talk about my bf’s bday preparation and celebration!!
Back to my original topic, where did I stop? *scrolling up* Oh yes, cooking! On 29 Jan, after I knocked off from work, I rushed going to supermarket near my place to buy cooking materials.
Now is Wednesday, 7 Feb 07 at 6.35pm in office..
Don't think that I wrote diary for the whole 1 week ok! I saved it as a draft since at that time I was busy, suddenly got urgent things to do in office.
Anyway, continue my story..
Yes, on 29 Jan I bought everything already so that I would have time to cook and prepare other things on the D day. On 30 Jan, I went home around 6.15pm and started to cook! You want to know what I cooked? Hihihi *ketawa malu2 sambil tutupan mulut pake sebelah tangan* Ready? Go!!
The menu:
1. Appetizer: Wanton Soup
2. Main Menu: Sambal Prawn with Rice
3. Side Dish: Deep Fried Prawn Wrapped Potato
4. Drink: Apple Juice with Aloevera served with White Wine's Glasses
You wanna see the pics? Honestly, I forgot to take more pics because once we started eating, you know, I always forget everything.. I always enjoy eating.. Fortunately, I still got chance to take pics of the Sambal prawn and the Deep Fried Prawn because I had nothing to do after cooking, while waiting for the birthday boy to come.

Sambal Prawn + Deep Fried Prawn Wrapped Potato
You must be wondering why these two dishes were all in plastic wrap? It's because I want to keep them warm till he came. Actually, I planned to take more pics after we opened the plastic wrap, but I forgot! Like what I said, I'm always lost when eating, don't remember whom I have dinner with, what movie I watch when I eat, I can't really hear sound and voice. Strange, rite? Yeah, that's me..
You also must be wondering, why the menu all came with prawn?? I still have one secret I have not revealed yet. Do you know what's inside the wanton? It's also prawn!! But it's the cute one, since the size is smaller. Can I say that I accidentally cooked all prawns? Ok ok, it's because the birthday boy's favourite food are prawn and crab. I can't cook crab so the option is only left with the prawn. Well, I know I shouldn't do that much but amazingly it happened!
When Ron ate my food, the first question he asked was "Where did you buy this food?" Hmm.. there are 2 meanings on this question. Did he find the food delicious or did he not? It also can be interpreted, he never expected that I can cook! I don't know what he was thinking exactly at that time but the thing I'm sure is he told me "It's very delicious and I'm impressed that you can cook prawn very well". I'll just take this as a compliment and motivation..
After we finished eating, we rushed bringing all the plates, bowls, and wine glasses to kitchen. It's also amazing to know that he helped me washing those plates. You know why we rushed? It's because I told him that I borrowed those utensils from my housemate without her knowledge and it happened 1 second after I told him. Well, I never expected that he would react that fast. Next time when I need his help doing the washing I'll tell him that I borrow plates from our neighbour.. Hihihihi.. Catch you!
Ok, I should stop now and continue next time with another 'kemplunk' story of my life. Bye my Little Diary, see you soon.