Hi Diary!!
You know what? Finally I bought iPhone!! Yaaayyyy!! This is the phone that I have been wanting and dearing for the last 2 years. Today after office, I already planned to go to Mongkok to buy that iPhone after so much consideration for weeks. Just 10mins before I got off from work, my hubbie called me and he wanted to take me to buy iPhone! Maybe you think this is nothing, but it really means something for me. What I really worried most before buying this phone was about the money and how my hubbie would think. His action today made me so happy and less guilty ^^
Ok ok, these are the pictures of my new iPhone. I took picture of every step of the grand opening process.
Before I bought this phone, I was worried if my intelligent was not high enough to use this smartphone. Now I got the answer. Even before I had the chance use this iPhone, I knew the answer. Even before I had chance to play around with this iPhone, I knew the answer. Even before I turned on this iPhone, I knew the answer. Even one second right after I held this iPhone on my hand, I knew the answer. I knew that I was way too stupid for this super smartphone. You know why? I don't know how to insert the simcard into the phone! Hey, this is really the first time I don't know how to insert a simcard, usually I'm not this stupid. There is no information on the manual book. Maybe Apple assumes that the users of this smartphone are smart enough to own this phone. It's like "there is no guidance on how to insert CD into the laptop", right? It's ok, I'm browsing on the net to find out how to insert the simcard now. I'm now out to catch up what I have left.
See you diary.. I'm too happy to sleep now, but I have to sleep. My iPhone needs to be recharged for 10 hours before I can use it. So even I will not sleep for the next 9 hours and 59 minutes, I will still not be to play around with my iPhone. So, I better sleep now, I need to be recharged too for 10 hours.
-Happie Abbie-
I am going to hate you from this day... really2 hate you. You should have bought BlackBerry Bold.
Weleh, weleh... boikot blog iki lah. Mbaca blog-e Cucan ama Jess are... mereka kan pake BlackBerry Bold.
Hoahahahaha... jgn gitu dong Ko. Kan Blackberry sales nya udah shooting gituu, bagi2 dikit ma Apple lah, apalagi td aku nawarnya ngotot juga jadi untungnya mepet juga kok Ko. Koko gitu enak di Research in Motion bisa dapet BB gratiss!! Omong2, Ronny fans beratnya BB kok, dia takpaksa2 beli iPhone gak mau, maunya BB, tapi sampe skg msh blom beli juga..
kalo gitu paksa terus beli BB... jangan pantang menyerah.... maju tak gentar.
Agree!!! BB rocks!! hehhe
Tapi Iphone juga bgs kok Fen, masalah preferences and selera aja :)
Fotomu satu2 itu bikin orang ikutan intense kayak nonton bioskop hehehe :P
Wuihh...Anthony Pranata kerja di RIM??
Mau tanya donkkk hehhe..knp kok GPS nya BB gk bisa dipake di Aussie, katanya gk ada map nya :(
Why oh why yah??
Nah loee Koko Antony, ayo jawab pertanyaan PangTama. Kalo kita2 pada beli BB, sama dengan subsidi gaji Koko indirectly yah? Hihihihi...
welcome to the club. i just bought iPhone two weeks ago.
foto prosesi pembukaan iPhone nya vikin deg2an :p
Wah... cobain Google Maps kalo gitu. Biasanya Google Maps sih ada map almost every country. Jakarta aja muncul tuh.
Soyuz, how's your experience using iPhone? Tulis messagenya susah ya? pake apa nulisnya? Telunjuk? Kelingking? DO u know how to turn off the T9 setting?
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