
The Holy Flower

Thursday, 3 July 08, 8.48am at home

Morning diary!
Yesterday night I just received some pictures from my younger sister. Those pictures remind me of my last-time-cita2 before I got married. You know, before getting married, every thing's so romantic, so touching, so this, so that, so on, and so forth. Actually, last time I wanted to keep one of my flower buckets, dry it, preserve it, and put it nicely in a glass vase. But, since I had 3 buckets for my 3-day wedding days, and since I was so busy and tired during the parties, I felt like I didn't care anymore about preserving the flowers, everything was messy and all over the place, even I didn't know where I left my sandals. I gave my two buckets of flowers to my two dearest cousins and I didn't care about my one other flower.

Two days after the parties, my maid found my one other flower in the car. This flower was the one that I used during the church ceremony. It's not really a bucket, it's just a bunch of roses that were tied on my left hand as if I was wearing a bracelet. When I found this flower, honestly, I still had no mood to keep it since I was going to Japan with lots of luggages already. So, I gave this flower to my younger sister. My younger sister was going to Jakarta too for studying, so she left this flower at my parents' home in Solo. It was just left behind on a table near the living room, for months!! One day my mum saw it but the flower was already dry. She was about to throw it away when my dad said "NO!!". My dad said "When this flower is at home, the feeling is like Abbie is also at home". I was soooo touched like crying when I heard my mum told me this over the phone although I felt a bit like my arwah is gentayangan at that house. Anyway, I never thought that my dad can miss me! It's very GREAT feeling, you know!

Then, they bought a glass vase, put it nicely on that vase, and put it on a nice table in living room. It's exactly what I wanted to do! These are the pictures that my sis sent me yesterday.

The best part is, that flower has very deep meaning, that flower is the witness when our marriage was blessed at church, not just any flower. Thanks for my mum and my dad to preserve the flower for me. But now, the problem is, can I have this dried-flower? Can I get the glass vase too? You know, it's not easy to find the matching vase. Will my dad be sad if I take it? Is that dried-flower still a symbol of me in my parents' house? Hmm, I'll think about something else to replace this mascot of me..



::aLb3rta:: said...

dun worry..I keep the flower buckets u gave me nicely in a vase..

PangTama said...

Ehh jadinya bagus yah udah kering begitu?? hehehe bentuknya masi bagus si yaa..:)

Antony Pranata said...

Can I have the "Pisa Tower"?
Loh wis mulai ora nyambung lagi...

AbigaiL said...

@ Ci S,
Thanks for still keeping the flowers yaaa.. Soooo happy to hear that! :D

@ FF
Iyah tuh masih bagus ya bunganya, makanya papaku bilang "Itu bunganya seakan masih hidup, artinya minta disimpen itu". Aku juga heran loh kok msh bagus, padahal biasanya bunga warna muda itu keringnya warnanya jelek. Aku suka bunga warna tua sebenernya kalo mau dikeringin tapi entah kenapa yg ini kok masih bagus ya.

@ Koko
Lhaa.. mulai lagi, taktonjok loh kl mulai mlenceng2. Hehehehe.. anyway, pasti koko udah punya lah menara pisa kan udah puas kliling eropa dulu. Tugu monas aja yg blom punya kan?

Jess said...

My opinion..biarin aja itu bunga buat mam en pap. Mereka udah anggep itu bunga sbg our presence.. jadi jangan diambil dong. The meaning of a marriage bukan terletak di bunganya, jadi aku liat nga ada keuntungannya juga buat yap2 nyimpenin itu bunga. Lagian ntar masi pindah2 rumah lagi, bawa2nya juga susah..jangan2 nga bisa dibawa malah dibuang nti. Mendingan biar di rumah mampap aja, buat mereka juga lebih meaningful..

Eniw, kok bungane isa kering dengan sempurna gt yah? Bungaku dulu juga mau tak-keringin gt.. taktaruh di nakas sebelah bed. Pada hari kelima mulai mengering en keluar uletnya!!! Langsung bungane taklempar tempat sampah... Ini true story lho!

AbigaiL said...

Hoahahaha.. iya inget kok bungamu berulet.. Itu karna sebelum kering udah dimasukin toples. Harusnya biarkan kering dulu di luar baru dimasukin toples/vas. Kasian itu ulet juga kurang oksigen di toples trus Ko'it.

Jess said...

eh..nda ditoples. Yg di toples itu kan bunga pertamaku..bukan pas merit. Bunga pertama itu diksh buat ngrayain kita jadian. Yg bunga pas merit taktaruh di atas nakas. Udah..ditaro gt tok. Cuma bbrp hr dah berulet. Makane lgs takbuang krn gilo, kan tempate di deket bed gt.. Eniw, bungaku yg di toples di mana ya? Msh di rmh lama?

AbigaiL said...

Harusnya bunga kalo mau dikeringin mesti digantung menghadap ke bawah biar kelopak2nya kuat, biar ulet2nya berjatuhan, biar air2 cepet kering. Bunga toplesnya dimana ya? Trakhir kali ngliat udah berpuluh2 taon yg lalu di rumah lama, entah skg toplesnya udah dikembaliin ke dapur lagi blom ya? Kan dulu nyolong dari toples krupuk to?