
How I am Now

Wednesday, 23 Apr 08, 7.55pm at home

Hellow my diary,
I just had my night shower, I'm so refreshed now! Phew, it's been long long long time since my last post. Well.. time goes by, anything can change..
Mood makan datang, mood nulis pergi..
Musim semi datang, musim dingin pergi..
Masa dewasa datang, masa muda pergi..
'Besok' datang, 'Kemarin' pergi..
Uang datang, uang pergi..
Teman baru datang, teman lama pergi..
Aku datang, kamu pergi..

This is my current life. It comes and it goes.. Many things have happened recently but I don't know why I feel like I have nothing to share here. I guess I've entered what people call 'a routine', a stagnant life. Or.. my life is too complicated to share? Hmm, I guess not, my life is too simple, it's too simple till I have nothing to write?. Or.. I just realised that I should not share my life secret here? This might be true, for example, I just got an EPL for some parts of my body and I'm shy to tell you. *What is EPL?* Some of you who know what EPL is, please stay silent. Those who don't know, no need to find out, if you insist to find out please don't let me know if you're finding out. *Next question, which parts of your body??* I told you, some stories of mine are private and confidential!!

Let's talk about how I am now.
- My hair is thinner, counting down when the last string will finally fall down.
- My face is chubbier, I hope it's just a hello effect of my thinning hair, not because I'm fatter.
- My two fantats are rounder, I hope it's also a hello effect of my thinning hair
- My eyelash is thinner, I should not njepret my eyelashes too strong.
- My hair is longer, I'm considering if I will cut my hair myself again this time.
- My tummy is cuter, eh, I mean fatter. It's because the weather was always not supportive when I was in the mood of doing outdoor exercise, like rainy day lah, cloudy day lah, too-sunny day lah, sleepy day lah, house-cleaning day lah, korean-drama day lah.
- My holiday? Next week is golden week in Japan, which means almost a one-week holiday. I'm planning to go somewhere, out there, still under the sun of course..

It's been almost 10 months after my wedding day, I'm still enjoying my life as free as a bird, really. My mum has long started to ask a 'makziat' question that has been a FAQ by mums to daughters for centuries.
Mum: "When are you going to have baby?"
Me: *DanGG!!* "I will have a baby when I have a baby"
Mum: "Eh?? You should not brubrubrub.. You must brubrubrub.."
Me: "Mum, I brubrubrub.. it's not that brubrubrub.. but brubrubrub.. you know brubrubrub.. because brubrubrub.."

You know what? Actually this topic is put inside a closed box, sealed with water-resistant-sticky-tape, labeled as 'private & confidential'. But, this is life. Life is not always smooth. I want to remember this moment too, a moment when my mum and I are playing 'tarik tambang'. Every moment in this life is precious, right?



Antony Pranata said...


Begitu baca kalimat pertama langsung kaget aku... tak pikir mau bilang "it's been long long long time since I took shower". Hahahaha.... Abis pembukaannya "shower", eh kok abis itu topiknya langsung ganti.

Anyway, just want to say brubrubrub soale aku juga lagi brubrubrub. Kapan itu, sempet brubrubrub, tapi entah kenapa malah jadinya brubrubrub lagi. Well, begitulah... brubrubrub.

AbigaiL said...

Hahahahaha.. setelah takbaca lagi, emang kayaknya lebih nyambung ke "it's been long long long time since I took shower" yah. Lama gak nulis rasanya perlu pemanasan dulu biar bisa lebih lincah dalam bermain kata2, jadi bisa saling sambung-menyambung, gandeng-menggandeng, rantai-merantai.

Koko, what you wanted to say? brubrubrub apa? Aku dibisiki aja kalo malu2..

Antony Pranata said...

I just want to stay brubrubrub... because brubrubrub.... that's why brubrubrub.

Anonymous said...

Aku jg nih yap.. Baru bete abis, gr2 brubrubrubrub.. Hbsnya, pgn brubrubrubrub..tp jd brubrubrub akhirnya brubrubrub... Mudeng to?

::aLb3rta:: said...

oooh... tentang yg brubrubrrubrubbb.. itu.. yah all we can do just keep it brubrubrurbrubbb.. dont make it brubrubrurbubbb...

AbigaiL said...

omo omo omo.. kok semua jadi brabrub brabrub?? itu aku nulis brubrubrub soale sensorrrr.. karna befebeferafapafa hafal hafarufus difisefembufunyifikafan !@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&

Sanni said...

**brubrubrub** jafadifi tofopifik kafarefenafa bifiafasafanyafa noformafalnyafa **blablablabla**....hahahahaahaha
Tante juga jadi asyik baca brubrubrub nya hahahaha

AbigaiL said...

hihihi.. Welcome to my blog, Tante! Asik juga kannn mensensor sini mensensor sana topik2 yang perlu disensor..