
Mission Possible

Wednesday, 26 Mar 08, 11.48am

Dear little diary,
My mood is good now. I've learned my lesson. Well, it's true that life is a learning process. It's also true that time matures me. Just one day after I wrote my last diary, something unexpected happened. Something spectacular that made me clearly understand what I should do. I hope now my mind and my heart are able to work together as a team.

Yes, I got the job! And I've started my new job now. That 'something spectacular' is not about me getting this job. I just want to write one more testi how I managed to get this job. Once again, God was helping me to get a job besides the slapping-green-tea incident. I got this job, again, from my cell-group friend, another friend. This is the story:

In front of me, my friend told my other Indonesian friend that he needed an Indonesian female who has experience in marketing and can speak Indonesian, English, and Japanese to do a marketing research job. I overheard the conversation. I know my qualifications and I heard the job requirements. I'm Indonesian, I'm female, I have marketing experiences, I can speak Indonesian, I can speak English, but my Japanese is...not so good, I mean, very bad. I was imagining myself confidently raising my hand up and say "It's me.. me.. me..!". Back to reality, I wasn't confident, I kept quiet, just passed by, and left those 2 persons who were busy exchanging phone numbers and email addresses. Around 20 minutes later, I happened to pass by these 2 persons again, they were no longer talking about the job. *You purposely walked here, walked there, and walked back, did you??* Hey, it's not that I purposely walked back! I happened to.. ermm.. get my drink, and ermm.. my drink was just very near to where they were standing! Then, suddenly that person said 'hi' and 'how are you doing?' to me and we started our conversation. He was asking about what I did, what I do, and what I wanna do. I never thought about that job anymore when I was honestly answering those questions. And suddenly he *piakk!* slapped his own head and kicked the floor 3 times and said "I was sooo stupid!!", and I was sooo shocked! Then, he asked my mobile number and.. that's how I managed to get the interview. I was telling him that "I can't speak Japanese" and easily he said "That's okay!!".

You see, sometimes we feel that we know something is gonna be this way or that way. We feel that we are able to judge something with our limited brains. We feel that we're smart enough to predict something that is actually unpredictable. We're not confident enough to start the steps although we know that God is with us. *Still you can't confidently say "It's me.. me.. me!!" lahh.* Anyway, the message of the story is: Only God can change impossible becoming possible!



Antony Pranata said...

Aku rodo bingung baca posting-e... tapi sik penting congratulations dulu. Hahaha... :)

Jadi iki boss kenapa sampe "piakkk". Aku masih gak mudeng tenan.

kezia*anastasia said...

hey fennn.. congrats on the job! :)

Blessed to bless said...

aminn say! good on u! "semua indah pada waktuNya :)"
Gbu say muah

AbigaiL said...

@ Koko
Hahahaha.. Sorry, I didn't say clearly why he piakk2 his head. He did say that how could he not think of me when hearing about that job vacancy. Anyway, he's not the boss.

@ Tash & Iren
Thank you say.. yes, semua indah pada waktuNya, just be patient and everything will be well taken care of by Him!

Anonymous said...

Aku jg bingung, the "plakkk!" guy itu siapa sih? Trus ktm nya di mana? Cell group? Org indo jg? Kenalnya baru kali itu?

Anonymous said...

oh..hbs takbaca berulang kali, skg dah mudengggg

Antony Pranata said...

Oooo bunderrrr.... baru mudeng aku sekarang.

Eh terus interview yang numpahin teh itu gimana jadinya?

::aLb3rta:: said...

itu tadi "piaakk" ato "plaakk"??

*baru baca 1x, i'll read it again till i mudeng*

Eniwei, congrats yap..
Everything really happens for a reason.. Insiden greentea take u to a new job..
Jia you!!!

Antony Pranata said...

Nah itu, aku juga bingung... "piakkk" atau "plakkk".

Oh jadi insiden tea itu end up di sini.

AbigaiL said...

Ohh, apa critanya terlalu membingungkankah?? Jadi gak enak ma situ, maaph-maaph sudah membuat kalian binun.

Itu piak-guy ketemunya pas cell group di tempat cell group (rumah org), bukan org Indo, udah bbrp kali ketemu tingkat kedekatannya adalah ga-gitu-amat-sangat-deket-bgt-tapi-lumayan deket-lah.

Iyah, inilah akhir daripada insiden green tea. Sejak itu, aku gak pernah disuguhin minum lagi. *Emang kenapa bos mesti nyiapin minum buat pembantu? Bukannya tebalek?* Apa???!!! Pembantu????!!

::aLb3rta:: said...

jadi emang bener "piak" toh...

So, r u working in Green Tea company now???
