Tuesday, 17 Oct 2006 at 7.10pm..
Hi again my little diary..
There's not much thing to talk today.. today is just another day.. woke up in the morning, took MRT to go to office, worked, went home, going to watch movie/tv after this and sleep.. tomorrow will be another day.. Oh no no! Hopefully tomorrow will be different because my friend asked me to watch movie "World Trade Center" tomorrow after office. Yipeee..!!
Oh yeah, just to let you know what I ate yesterday night.. hueheue.. I didn't order pizza! I just bought 1 pack of seaweed (contains 0 calorie, 0 fats, 0 sugar, ok!)
Actually I'm gonna share with you more about myself.. just wait till weekend okay? I'll have more time to write on weekend.
Starving to Death
Monday, 16 Oct at 8.03pm in office..
Blue monday.. very blue monday, as usual...
I think I've told you about my mission of the year, right? Yea, I'm on strict diet.. but why God is testing me.. :'(
In the morning I just drank fruit juice (apple and orange juice) as my breakfast.. At 11am this morning, I was very hungry already.. I couldnt concentrate on the weekly meeting this morning.. After the meeting, one new job came to my plate.. I had to do EDM for Pizza Hut and KFC!! (For those who don't know, EDM is kind of advertisement that is blasted to your email address). To do that, I need to see the images of the food and read through the descriptions of the products. I felt like fainting and screaming (but no energy to scream)!
"I need food, I need food...!!!" Yes, I got food but inside my computer screen.. The whole afternoon I couldn't do the EDM at all! I hide inside the toilet (to avoid eating the pizza and the fried chicken in my computer) till lunch time.. Thenn.. lunch time was coming!! yipeee.....!!!
Now, I'm having the same dilemma as this afternoon. I'm damn hungry!! I hear a voice "Don't have dinner" repeating near my ears (both ears) but I feel like I want to eat NOW!! Fyi, I'm still doing the Pizza Hut thinggy now.. What's more suffering than this??
My little diary, can you understand my pain now? Please don't blame me if I have to have dinner tonite..
p.s I feel like ordering pizza with lava cheese exploded from the pizza.. nyamm nyamm.. ok,ok! I hear you.. Don't repeat it again! I should avoid this fattening food, right?!?
Blue monday.. very blue monday, as usual...
I think I've told you about my mission of the year, right? Yea, I'm on strict diet.. but why God is testing me.. :'(
In the morning I just drank fruit juice (apple and orange juice) as my breakfast.. At 11am this morning, I was very hungry already.. I couldnt concentrate on the weekly meeting this morning.. After the meeting, one new job came to my plate.. I had to do EDM for Pizza Hut and KFC!! (For those who don't know, EDM is kind of advertisement that is blasted to your email address). To do that, I need to see the images of the food and read through the descriptions of the products. I felt like fainting and screaming (but no energy to scream)!
"I need food, I need food...!!!" Yes, I got food but inside my computer screen.. The whole afternoon I couldn't do the EDM at all! I hide inside the toilet (to avoid eating the pizza and the fried chicken in my computer) till lunch time.. Thenn.. lunch time was coming!! yipeee.....!!!
Now, I'm having the same dilemma as this afternoon. I'm damn hungry!! I hear a voice "Don't have dinner" repeating near my ears (both ears) but I feel like I want to eat NOW!! Fyi, I'm still doing the Pizza Hut thinggy now.. What's more suffering than this??
My little diary, can you understand my pain now? Please don't blame me if I have to have dinner tonite..
p.s I feel like ordering pizza with lava cheese exploded from the pizza.. nyamm nyamm.. ok,ok! I hear you.. Don't repeat it again! I should avoid this fattening food, right?!?
My Second Wish
One sunny Sunday, 15 Oct 06 at 12.33pm in my room..
Today I don't have much thing to write here.. I'll just share with you what I did yesterday kay? ^_^
Yesterday I spent most of the time by watching Korean series (Title: Some Day), as usual.. I was very emotional when I watched this film coz the male actor is very very 'nyebelin', 'memuakkan' and 'plinplan'. Ok, I tell you a bit of the story: He 'accidentally' has a new woman in his life although he's a married man. Well, is there any excuse that it's an accident? In that film, he's trying to be responsible for both the new woman and his wife but u know what happen right? He is too busy handling 2 women.. he still can't make decision which woman he wants to choose. At the end, all of them are hurt. Morale of the story is: "One is just nice, two is too many!" Don't be too 'marukz'!!
Thenn.. in evening I had a sweet date with my bf, we had dinner at BK and followed by eating shark fin soup. Reached home, we watched Desperate Housewives season 3 (my favourite movie). We also read newspaper together.. u know, saturday newspaper contains lots of advertisements, especially cars (at least that's what I'm interested in most! Well, I think everybody loves car, don't you??). As usual, every Saturday I'm very very tempted to buy a car. Not just a transportation that can bring me from point A to point B , but I want a nice, pretty, strong, and of course expensive car! *At least I need Lexus or BMW is also fine* Huehueheue.. I know I'm a bit 'marukz', well not just a bit, I'm bery bery 'marukz'! But, every creature should have a dream what! That's what motivates us to pray harder and work harder, right?
I'll add this as my second wishlist. See my wishlist below:
1. To be slim
2. To buy Lexus with my own money!
I'll add the third and the fourth and so forth very soon! So, stay tune! :D
p.s My wishlist has nothing to do with the morale of the story of Some Day.. There are many types of 'marukz', okay??
Today I don't have much thing to write here.. I'll just share with you what I did yesterday kay? ^_^
Yesterday I spent most of the time by watching Korean series (Title: Some Day), as usual.. I was very emotional when I watched this film coz the male actor is very very 'nyebelin', 'memuakkan' and 'plinplan'. Ok, I tell you a bit of the story: He 'accidentally' has a new woman in his life although he's a married man. Well, is there any excuse that it's an accident? In that film, he's trying to be responsible for both the new woman and his wife but u know what happen right? He is too busy handling 2 women.. he still can't make decision which woman he wants to choose. At the end, all of them are hurt. Morale of the story is: "One is just nice, two is too many!" Don't be too 'marukz'!!
Thenn.. in evening I had a sweet date with my bf, we had dinner at BK and followed by eating shark fin soup. Reached home, we watched Desperate Housewives season 3 (my favourite movie). We also read newspaper together.. u know, saturday newspaper contains lots of advertisements, especially cars (at least that's what I'm interested in most! Well, I think everybody loves car, don't you??). As usual, every Saturday I'm very very tempted to buy a car. Not just a transportation that can bring me from point A to point B , but I want a nice, pretty, strong, and of course expensive car! *At least I need Lexus or BMW is also fine* Huehueheue.. I know I'm a bit 'marukz', well not just a bit, I'm bery bery 'marukz'! But, every creature should have a dream what! That's what motivates us to pray harder and work harder, right?
I'll add this as my second wishlist. See my wishlist below:
1. To be slim
2. To buy Lexus with my own money!
I'll add the third and the fourth and so forth very soon! So, stay tune! :D
p.s My wishlist has nothing to do with the morale of the story of Some Day.. There are many types of 'marukz', okay??
Mission of the Year
Saturday, 14 Oct 06 at 12.46pm in my room..
It's time to menguruskan badan nehhh... haruss haruss haruss!! pokoknya aku HARUS bisa menurunkan berat badan at least 4kg by end of this year... Ayoo!! Aja! Aja! Fighting! Jia You! Bashaa!! Oh please help me God!
Phew! Masalah menguruskan/mempertahankan berat badan slalu dalam pikiranku tiap hari, tiap menit, tiap detik.. capek bgt diet trus tau! Manusia kan butuh kelonggaran kadang2, ya nggak? Karena prinsipku manusia-butuh-kelonggaran-kadang2 ini bikin aku gained weight at least 4kg taon ini.. padahal aku dulu udah mati2an nurunkan berat badan lohh dan udah tercapai berat badan idamanku (nurutku seh :P) tp skg naek lagii.. hoaaaa.... :( :( :(
Bermacam-macam cara aku udah lakukan dan akan terus dilakukan, liat di bawah ini yah and see if my methods are correct:
1. Skip breakfast <-- sometimes works, tapi sering gagalnya (kalo ga bfast tubuh gemeter spanjang morning to afternoon gitu trus ga bisa konsen kerja)
2. Skip dinner <-- seringnya gagal total! but i'm still trying hard coz I know this is the best and the faster way to slim down, aja aja!! Fighting!
3. Try to choose healthy meals like soup, porridges, non-fried foods <-- yea, this method is also the best!
4. Drink slimming tea <-- semacam obat cuci perut tapi abis perut kosong jd makin menggila makanku
5. Drink fruit juice every day (apple and orange juice) <-- this is healthy and recommended!
6. Pake OSIM uZap (ga terlalu rutin tapi) yg katanya bisa mengencangkan bagian2 tubuh tertentu <-- ermm.. I'll still do this, lbh rutin tentunya (kalo bisa)..
7. Pake slimming cream <-- ga ngepek sama skali neh :(
8. Mandi pake garam laut mati <-- katanya seh bisa mengencangkan and burn fats tapi nyatanya itu cuman kayak scrub and aku serasa jadi ikan yang udah dibumbuin en siap untuk digoreng, hiks2.. tertipu iklan..
9. Pasang poster motto of the year "Be SLIM" di tembok kamarku <-- karena udah terlalu lama nempel di tembok jadi seringnya ke-ignore.. mungkin aku perlu mengganti letak posternya, membesarkan ukurannya, and sedikit mengganti designnya biar ada efeknya lagi at least for the next few weeks.
10. Watch Korean movies (purpose: supaya lebih termotivasi waktu ngliat cewe2 Korea yang cantik2 and langsing2) <-- in fact, watching movie tanpa ngemil itu nggak enak, ya nggak? arghh..
11. Nge-gym in my Condo <-- but sangat-sangat amat kadang2 sekali, I need to try harder, yeah! Jia you!!
12. Try not to berebut tempat duduk di MRT or bus walaupun perjalanan dari kantor ke rumah itu 40 menit! <-- sambil berdiri and menjaga keseimbangan badan utk tetap berdiri kan bisa membantu mengencangkan otot perut and kemfol.
13. And last: mendengarkan omelan, sindiran, dan peringatan from my bf! <-- yg sbenernya bikin aku tambah frustrasi lagi, serasa dunia ini nggak ada yg bisa menerimaku apa adanya :'(
You see! Actually I've been trying very hard, right? Bukannya aku ga brusaha loh!
Mulai sekarang aku hrs bener2 lebih mendisiplinkan diri in order to get tubuh idaman, harus!!
My little diary, please pray and cheer for me.. pleaseeee..!!
It's time to menguruskan badan nehhh... haruss haruss haruss!! pokoknya aku HARUS bisa menurunkan berat badan at least 4kg by end of this year... Ayoo!! Aja! Aja! Fighting! Jia You! Bashaa!! Oh please help me God!
Phew! Masalah menguruskan/mempertahankan berat badan slalu dalam pikiranku tiap hari, tiap menit, tiap detik.. capek bgt diet trus tau! Manusia kan butuh kelonggaran kadang2, ya nggak? Karena prinsipku manusia-butuh-kelonggaran-kadang2 ini bikin aku gained weight at least 4kg taon ini.. padahal aku dulu udah mati2an nurunkan berat badan lohh dan udah tercapai berat badan idamanku (nurutku seh :P) tp skg naek lagii.. hoaaaa.... :( :( :(
Bermacam-macam cara aku udah lakukan dan akan terus dilakukan, liat di bawah ini yah and see if my methods are correct:
1. Skip breakfast <-- sometimes works, tapi sering gagalnya (kalo ga bfast tubuh gemeter spanjang morning to afternoon gitu trus ga bisa konsen kerja)
2. Skip dinner <-- seringnya gagal total! but i'm still trying hard coz I know this is the best and the faster way to slim down, aja aja!! Fighting!
3. Try to choose healthy meals like soup, porridges, non-fried foods <-- yea, this method is also the best!
4. Drink slimming tea <-- semacam obat cuci perut tapi abis perut kosong jd makin menggila makanku
5. Drink fruit juice every day (apple and orange juice) <-- this is healthy and recommended!
6. Pake OSIM uZap (ga terlalu rutin tapi) yg katanya bisa mengencangkan bagian2 tubuh tertentu <-- ermm.. I'll still do this, lbh rutin tentunya (kalo bisa)..
7. Pake slimming cream <-- ga ngepek sama skali neh :(
8. Mandi pake garam laut mati <-- katanya seh bisa mengencangkan and burn fats tapi nyatanya itu cuman kayak scrub and aku serasa jadi ikan yang udah dibumbuin en siap untuk digoreng, hiks2.. tertipu iklan..
9. Pasang poster motto of the year "Be SLIM" di tembok kamarku <-- karena udah terlalu lama nempel di tembok jadi seringnya ke-ignore.. mungkin aku perlu mengganti letak posternya, membesarkan ukurannya, and sedikit mengganti designnya biar ada efeknya lagi at least for the next few weeks.
10. Watch Korean movies (purpose: supaya lebih termotivasi waktu ngliat cewe2 Korea yang cantik2 and langsing2) <-- in fact, watching movie tanpa ngemil itu nggak enak, ya nggak? arghh..
11. Nge-gym in my Condo <-- but sangat-sangat amat kadang2 sekali, I need to try harder, yeah! Jia you!!
12. Try not to berebut tempat duduk di MRT or bus walaupun perjalanan dari kantor ke rumah itu 40 menit! <-- sambil berdiri and menjaga keseimbangan badan utk tetap berdiri kan bisa membantu mengencangkan otot perut and kemfol.
13. And last: mendengarkan omelan, sindiran, dan peringatan from my bf! <-- yg sbenernya bikin aku tambah frustrasi lagi, serasa dunia ini nggak ada yg bisa menerimaku apa adanya :'(
You see! Actually I've been trying very hard, right? Bukannya aku ga brusaha loh!
Mulai sekarang aku hrs bener2 lebih mendisiplinkan diri in order to get tubuh idaman, harus!!
My little diary, please pray and cheer for me.. pleaseeee..!!
My First Day of Blogging
Today is Friday, 13th october 06, 8.10pm in office.. my first day of blogging. Wow, today is friday the 13th! I never realised that till I wrote it here just now!
Finally I have my own blog!! Hurray..hurray..! I've seen a lot of my friends blogging and I was wondering what I should write if I have my own blog. Well, I guess I just need to write anything.. what I do, what I feel, what I think.. like writing a diary, isnt it? Hmm, sounds easy.. let's see if I can maintain this blog :P
Just fyi, actually I like writing my diary since I was a child. But I kept losing my diary book and kept buying a new one; and kept changing diary book although it wasn't lost/finished yet. I stopped writing diary since then hohohoho... I think this blogspot is a good one, there's no more excuse for me not write diary because of losing or changing the book!! Well, I can find other excuses like.. ermm.. no time, forget the password, or lost my computer! hahahahaha.. no la, just kidding! I'll try my best to allocate time to blog so that I'll have things to read and 'nostalgia' when I'm old, 50 years later.. Yesh! that's a good reason to keep me writing here.. :P
Today is friday, yipeeee...!! It means that I can take rest and sleep and sleep and sleep the whole weekend.. By the way, I like sleeping soo muchh especially after my tiring 5-days of working. I got a lot of things I'm gonna share with you actually but I guess I need to stop now. I need to go home now and sleep. Hahaha.. for me WEEKEND is equal to SLEEP.
See you again and have a great weekend! ^_^
Finally I have my own blog!! Hurray..hurray..! I've seen a lot of my friends blogging and I was wondering what I should write if I have my own blog. Well, I guess I just need to write anything.. what I do, what I feel, what I think.. like writing a diary, isnt it? Hmm, sounds easy.. let's see if I can maintain this blog :P
Just fyi, actually I like writing my diary since I was a child. But I kept losing my diary book and kept buying a new one; and kept changing diary book although it wasn't lost/finished yet. I stopped writing diary since then hohohoho... I think this blogspot is a good one, there's no more excuse for me not write diary because of losing or changing the book!! Well, I can find other excuses like.. ermm.. no time, forget the password, or lost my computer! hahahahaha.. no la, just kidding! I'll try my best to allocate time to blog so that I'll have things to read and 'nostalgia' when I'm old, 50 years later.. Yesh! that's a good reason to keep me writing here.. :P
Today is friday, yipeeee...!! It means that I can take rest and sleep and sleep and sleep the whole weekend.. By the way, I like sleeping soo muchh especially after my tiring 5-days of working. I got a lot of things I'm gonna share with you actually but I guess I need to stop now. I need to go home now and sleep. Hahaha.. for me WEEKEND is equal to SLEEP.
See you again and have a great weekend! ^_^
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